Zeldawave: Generations

Bester Zeldawave seit langem: Flowed enorm…


Besonders erwähnenswert ist hier zur Abwechslung mal das YouTube Video dazu. Glitchy in Game Szenen in VHS Optik, toll zusammengebaut. Da hat sich mal jemand Mühe gemacht.

Zeldawave: Generations (A LoFi Hip-Hop/Vaporwave Remix Of 3D Zelda)

I’ve always wanted to do a project featuring The Legend of Zelda ever since I first got inspired to start making these after stumbling upon Polygon Dream’s Zeldawave one late night on YouTube. However, instead of targeting just one game this time, I decided to pull from an entire era of gaming — picking and choosing some of favorite songs from all the previous 3D Zelda games and transforming them into a vaporwave-esque/lo-fi hip-hop adventure of sensory nostalgia.


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