[Cell]ivization: Sid Meier’s Civilisation build in Exel

Haltet euch fest, die haben Civilisation in ein Exel-Sheet gepackt und es kommt anscheinend ziemlich nah an das Original heran. Was man halt so macht, wenn man in den Olymp der Geeks möchte…


Was soll ich sagen: Hut ab! Ich reiche hochachtungsvoll ein Füllhorn voller Nerd-Lorbeeren ?

This is the trailer for my first game in Excel, s0lly’s [CELL]IVIZATION, created in just around a week for the OLC CODEJAM 2019 (https://itch.io/jam/olc-codejam-2019). The gamejam’s theme is destruction, which is apt for this game given that the only way to win is to destroy the opposing team. The game is very light on features (basically just build units and attack the opposition), but I will add on additional features – DLC you could call it – if people are keen to see more! The game can be found here: https://s0lly.itch.io/cellivization – please let me know what features you’d like to see next!! Hope you enjoy!

(via mkln)


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