Destroyer: Dan’s Boogie

Das neue Jahr startet mit der Ankündigung eines neues Destroyer Albums. Seht mein fettes Grinsen vor eurem inneren Auge ;)


Liebe es einfach wie Dan Bejar sich immer wieder neue erfindet. Die erste Single „Bologna“ ist wie kein anderer Destroyer Track zuvor.

Warte noch auf nen EU-Vinyl Link…

What is a “boogie”? In the common tongue, it’s a dance or an occasion to dance. This being a Destroyer album and not the common tongue, the implications of a title like Dan’s Boogieare at once more alluring and dangerous. “A boogie is a hustle, a scam that doesn’t quite work, the moves we make when we’re up against it,” explains Dan Bejar. “I think of spy work, double agents, sleeping with one eye open, an eye on the exits. But I also think of petty street-level victories and losses and improv.”


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