Dirty Projectors: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert

Dirty Projectors begeistern mich in aktueller Besetzung sehr mit ihrem momentan laufenden EP-Projekt und auch mit diesem Tiny Desk ‚Home‘ Concert, in dem sie ein paar der bisher veröffentlichen Songs daraus spielen.


July 6, 2020 | Bob Boilen — We’ve loved Dirty Projectors for more than a dozen years – from the band’s Black Flag covers record to the brilliant angular sounds we presented at SXSW, and more recently, a candlelit Tiny Desk concert in 2018. The lineup often shifts, but the creative nature of this band, headed by David Longstreth, doesn’t. The band is releasing 5 EPs this year. The lineup for this includes Maia Friedman on vocals, keyboard and guitar, Felicia Douglass on vocals and tabletop percussion, Kristin Slipp on vocals and keytar, and drummer Mike Johnson shaking and tapping all things tiny. It’s a band in which any member can take the lead, and that’s the beauty here. We see Dirty Projectors change and surprise us with each new song, something so rare and vibrant.


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