Korea Zwiebel Kellogg’s

Kellogg’s bringt in Korea Cerialien mit Zwiebelgeschmack auf den Markt und löst damit ein sechzehn Jahre altes Versprechen ein. Dazu gibt es einen episch schrägen Werbespot!


Breakfast Weirdness! Würd ich sofort probieren… mehr infos hier!

In 2004, Nongshim Kellogg launched an online “election” for the president of Chex featuring two candidates, chocolate-colored character Chekkie and green-colored character Chaka. Chekkie promised to make the cereal more chocolatey while Chaka promised to put green onion in the cereal. When internet communities heard about this election, they started voting for Chaka, to Kellogg Korea’s horror.

With Chaka bound for victory, Kellogg deleted over 42,000 votes, citing “security reasons.” With Chaka still winning by a few thousand votes, Kellogg added offline votes and ARS call votes, in a blatant manipulation of the result, to make Chekkie the winner.

(via boingboing)


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