Perfektes ‚real life‘ Cowboy Bebop Intro
Netflix hat das Intro zum „real life“ Cowboy Bebop Relaunch veröffentlicht. Genial und viel besser hätte man es nicht machen können.
Vorfreude-Level 3000 I like
It’s time to blow this scene. Who’s in? Cowboy Bebop arrives Nov. 19. COWBOY BEBOP is an action-packed space Western about three bounty hunters, aka “cowboys,” all trying to outrun the past. As different as they are deadly, Spike Spiegel (John Cho), Jet Black (Mustafa Shakir), and Faye Valentine (Daniella Pineda) form a scrappy, snarky crew ready to hunt down the solar system’s most dangerous criminals — for the right price. But they can only kick and quip their way out of so many scuffles before their pasts finally catch up with them.
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