Safebook: Facebook ohne Content

Safebook ist ein Projekt von Künstler Benjamin Grosser. Dabei handelt es sich um ein Browser Plugin, dass alle Inhalte aus dem Facebook blockiert und das FB dann quasi nur noch „nackt“ anzeigt.


Safebook ist vermutlich die einzig sichere, nicht übergriffige und nicht das psychische Wohl zerstörende Version des blauen Riesen, die man kriegen kann.

Gibts für Chrome und Firefox und ist fast so gut wie Abmelden! ?

Given the harms that Facebook has wrought on mental health, privacy, and democracy, what would it take to make Facebook “safe?” Is it possible to defuse Facebook’s amplification of anxiety, division, and disinformation while still allowing users to post a status, leave a comment, or confirm a friend? With Safebook, the answer is yes! Safebook is Facebook without the content, a browser extension that hides all images, text, video, and audio on the site. Left behind are the empty containers that frame our everyday experience of social media, the boxes, columns, pop-ups and drop-downs that enable “likes,” comments, and shares. Yet despite this removal, Facebook remains usable: you can still post a status, scroll the news feed, “watch” a video, Wow a photo, or unfriend a colleague. With the content hidden, can you still find your way around Facebook? If so, what does this reveal about just how ingrained the site’s interface has become? And finally, is complete removal of all content the only way a social media network can be “safe?”



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