Singapore’s COVID19 Robot Patrol

Dieses ferngesteuerte Vehikel streift jetztdurch Singapur’s Parks um die Leute daran zu erinnern auf Abstand zueinander zu bleiben. Dazu gibt es freundliche Durchsagen und 360 Grad Überwachung.


Wenn also jemand richtig quer schlägt, dann können das menschliche Polizisten sehen und physisch eingreifen. Doch wer könnte einem so freundlichen kleinen Vierrad schon einen Wunsch abschlagen?

A robot has been deployed in a park in Singapore to encourage people to practise social distancing and to „stay safe, stay home“.

Singapore’s Public Utilities Board is using the robot, named O-R3, to help them curb the spread of Covid-19. O-R3 also shares data with officers through its 360-degree camera.

PUB originally used the talking robot for security surveillance at its various reservoirs across the island state, but its role has now been expanded to include working as a social-distancing ambassador. The remotely-controlled machine has batteries which allow it to travel up to 1km, but this is being increased to 4km.

(via boingboing)


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