Slack running on a SNES

Der Slack-Engineer Bertrand hat Slack mit Hilfe mit Hilfe einer ehemals in Japan erschienen SNES Peripherie namens „Satellaview“ (von der ich auch nicht wusste, dass es sie gibt) innerhalb eines Rollenspieles zum laufen gebracht.


recently learned that in the mid 90s in Japan, the Super Nintendo had a peripheral called a Satellaview, which was a satellite modem that would receive data broadcasts from Nintendo. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Probably not, but if you can beam satellite signals to a SNES, you can probably run Slack on it.

Most SNES games are closed systems. When you play a game like Bronkie the Bronchiasaurus, an educational game about dinosaurs with asthma that teaches you how to use an inhaler, the content is fixed on the cartridge.

But the game that comes with the Satellaview, BS-X: The Story of The Town Whose Name Was Stolen (BS-X それは名前を盗まれた街の物語), is different. It looks like a lot of Japanese RPGs but has one key difference: it can receive content beamed from the sky and that content gets integrated into the game.

Gebt dem Mann bitte ein Füllhorn voller Nerd-Loorbeeren. Mehr dazu hier.


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