SPROUT Coffee Roasters: La Milan Maypop
Ich behaupte mal, dass das hier der beste Filterkaffee ist, den ich je getrunken habe. Die edle Bohne aus Columbien wird in Eindhoven, aufbereitet, fermentiert und geröstet und schmeckt nach IPA und Limette.
Keine Übertreibung, das Zeug hier ist sein Geld wert und ich werde mir mehr davon bestellen. Wer einen besonderen und ich meine wirklich besonderen Filter-Kaffee sucht muss eigentlich diesen nehmen.
Cultured Washed processing was developed by Café UBA after several years of trial and error. Freshly harvested coffee cherries are placed in a bag for 10-12 hours to gain rapid increase in temperature. The bacteria present in this environment and on the cherries start breaking carbs into sugars, which increases temperature even more. The coffee is then cooled in a tank with water at 8-10 °C, after which it is de-pulped. While this process is taking place, the maypop fruits, passionfruits, and curuba fruits are crushed and prepared to be added to the yeast and bacteria culture. Pulped coffee, prepared fruits, and activated starter cultures are placed in tanks to generate anaerobic fermentation for 6–8 days. The fermented coffee is then washed and sundried for 15-20 days to reach its ideal humidity.
This funky process has given this coffee a very juicy, almost Sour IPA vibe with a touch of Lime dashed through it. Enjoy this coffee as it cools, as the flavours will expand more and more.
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