( Z E L D A W A V E ) Sampler ⚔️

Wubba Lubba Lo Fi versucht sich an einer Compilation diverser bekannter ‚ZELDAWAVE‘ Iteration und das sehr gelungen. Lehnen wir uns einfach zurück und genießen, die Mélange aus Zelda & Synth.


Mir persönlich fehlt noch ein Track von GameChop’s Zelda & Chill aber sonst ziemlich perfekt ?

Let me first say that there was incredible inspiration from Marble Pawns, Luigi Lucarelli & the amazing musicians/artist that have been crafting the synthwave of Zeldawave on youtube. This is a tribute to all of them and for all my subs that have been EXTREMELY patient. So thank you and I hope this finds you and helps you throughout your day. I will be posting a lot more from now on and I hope you enjoy them.

Legend of Zelda - Vaporwave/Synthwave Ultimate Mix ( Z E L D A W A V E )


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